Wednesday, June 26, 2013



1.      Writing ( Menulis )
Menulis merupakan sebuah proses kreatif menuangkan gagasan dalam bentuk bahasa tulis untuk tujuan , misalnya member tahu, mencatat informasi yang telah diddapat dari seoarang, atau untuk merespon informaasi yang telah di berikan orang lain.
2.      Speaking ( berbicara )
Berbicara adalah proses menanggapi makna / informasi dalam percakapan dengan menggunakan bahasa lisan yang sangat sederhana untuk megembangkan informasi yang telah di dapat.
3.      Reading ( membaca )
membaca adalah proses menemukan makna atau informasi dari teks  yang berkaitan dengan kefahaman siswa mengenai materi yang sedang di baca.
4.       Listening ( mendengarkan )
Mendengarkan adalah proses pencarian sumber informasi dari teks lisan. memahami maksud atau tujuan lawan bicara, bertukar ide, dengan harapan dapat berinteraksi dan berkomuniasi berdasarkan tujuan.

Teacher            : assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.
Students          : waalaikumussalam wr. Wb.
Teacher            : good morning students. How are you today?
Students          : morning ma’am. I’m fine. Thank you. And you?
Teache             : oh, I’m fine too. Thank you. Have you know all of your friends’ name here?
Students          : yes... no... (various answers)
Teacher            : okay. Dani, do you know who is in the corner?
Dani                : no ma’am.
Teacher            : now, please introduce yourself to your friends. (asks the student who is in the corner)
Students          : mmm... tidak bisa ma’am.
Teacher            : oh,, can’t you do it? Okay, I’ll play a video that show you how to introduce your self or introduce your friend to other persons. Please listen it carefully.
... playing video untilfew times and the students are listening the dialogue.
Teacher            : okay students, did you understand with this video?
Students          : yes, ma’am.
Teacher            : I’ll play back this video, but not all of the part. In some part, I’ll cut and you must fill it with the statement that you have heard. Do you understand?
Students          : yes ma’am.
... playing back the video, and the students fill the blank parts and write it down on their books.
After the students finish it, the teacher discusses it with the students and corrects the students’ works. After that the teacher asks the students to read their work loudly.
Teacher            : okay students. I will ask you with the same text and you must answer based on your text.
Students          : okay ma’am.
Teacher            : hello, what’s your name?
Students          : hi, my name is Michael. And you?
Teacher            : I’m Caroline. Where do you live?
Students          : I liveat Mango street, North Pringsewu. What about you?
Teacher            : I live at Orange Street. Nice to meet you.
Students          : nice to meet you too.
Teacher            : good. Now, please practice this dialogue with your friend beside of you. Then, I’ll ask some of you to come in front of the class and introduce yourselves.
... the students practice with their friend and then the teacher ask some of them to introduce themselves in front of the class.

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